Thursday, November 29, 2018

5 Ultimate Benefits of Custom Website Development You Have Never Heard Of

Are you a businessman? Yes or no. Today, it is unlikely that a businessman does not have any online presence. Having a one does not matter anymore since everyone has a social media or online presence online. If you really want to set yourself apart from the competition, then you should maintain a decent and elegant website.
There are three ways to build your website either yourself or Custom Web Development Company:
  1. Content Management Systems (Joomla, WordPress, Drupal etc.)
  2. Customized websites
  • Website builder platforms like Wix.
All of the above platforms have its own pros and cons, following are some of the benefits of Custom Web Development Services India
  1. Uniqueness
When you develop a website on website builder or content management systems (CMS), you work on ready-made themes. But there are some restrictions. You have to pay more for one custom built where you can place different elements on pages. Either this way your website will look similar to the others with a little change.
When you pay for Custom Web Development Services India, there is no theme. It is designed and developed from the scratch keeping in mind the own specifications and how the website will look afterwards.
What is your USP and how you are unique, these are things that will make your business stand out from the others.
  1. Speed
All CMS and website builders offer a lot of built-in functionality. It has been kept to cater to the needs of the wider customer base. The functionality is exorbitant, and you get it whether you need it or not.
The bloatware affects the loading time of the website. And it is crucial as you may lose a number of customers.
Customized development excludes unnecessary and extra functionality. It helps to optimise the website which reduces the loading time.
  1. Security
Website and data security have become a heated topic during recent times. Chrome has automatically set the user warning when they enter on a website that does not have SSL installed. It is advisable to build a custom website with the help of Professional Web Development Services.
If you are using any existing platform, your website is vulnerable. If someone has found the vulnerability on the platforms, it simply means that the websites running on those platforms are vulnerable as well.
  1. Scalability and Flexibility
Your business requires a website that is scalable in case you get huge traffic after a certain interval. It should be flexible as to add new functionality to the existing platform.
Those website builders are neither flexible nor scalable. You can use it for a while but sooner or later you feel the need of Custom Web Development Company India to develop customized and scalable website.
  1. Functionality Optimised for Your Business
Large businesses don’t just invest in custom web development because they have resources and money but the reason is hidden in its ability to optimise it for your business.
Dream Steps renders top Custom Web Development Services India at affordable packages. We are equipped to deliver the top-notch custom website for large as well as new entrepreneurs. Drop your query at and we’ll get in touch with you soon. To know more, visit

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